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Our Services

Digital imaging is just the latest technology to help dental practices be more efficient and productive. And it's unique among businesses because it requires a myriad of hardware devices to be tightly integrated with the traditional computer and software setup. In addition, the same hardware often serves to educate and even entertain patients in the chair, so additional consideration must be given to how non-staff can interface with the office technology.

pcFORMANCE is experienced in outfitting dental operatories with multiple display monitors, digital radiography sensors, and interoral cameras. We are versed in all aspects of technology and can help you decide on the best solutions to meet the unique needs of the dental industry.

pcFORMANCE is a Dentrix Certified Integration Engineer (CIE) trained and certified by Dentrix to handle the specifics of a Dentrix office. We have access to the most up-to-date information and tools to help you get the most from your dental applications.

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